Gary’s Story

Gary Littrel was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroics during the Vietnam War. It was in that war that Gary first injured his back. Although the pain eventually subsided it reappeared while Gary was training in Panama. His pain placed him in traction for two weeks.

Over the next 17 years the pain in Gary’s hip grew progressively worse and over the last two years forced him to become housebound. On a bad day Gary would spend all of his time confined to a reclining chair. Gary felt guilty and ashamed that he could not help his wife do the chores that he did previously.

Bonati spine patient

Gary’s Video Review

He finally underwent surgery at his local VA hospital but that surgery only made his condition worse. Gary then had a consultation at another spine surgery center but left feeling uncomfortable. A friend then recommended that he seek help at The Bonati Spine Institute. Dr. Alfred O. Bonati evaluated Gary and assured his that he could alleviate his pain.

“Following his surgery Gary progressively felt better in the weeks.”

Gary was concerned about his outcome because he had a previously failed spine surgery. The Bonati Spine Institute, and Dr. Bonati in particular, are expert at correcting failed previous spine surgeries. Following his surgery Gary progressively felt better in the weeks following, until he was finally able to go on a fishing expedition in Canada and spend four days in a boat pain free. He is currently building a house with four flights of stairs leading from the beach. He uses climbing these stairs as an ongoing test that he is remaining pain free.

Dr. Bonati states that “… every time I am in the O.R. I always thank God for the opportunity to do this. It’s amazing how the work of God comes into our minds.” As for Gary, he “… appreciates staying pain free and appreciates what Dr. Bonati does for our veterans.”
