Exploration of Spinal Fusion
Exploration of Spinal Fusion is used by our surgeons to correct failed back surgery syndrome. Failed back surgery syndrome is a term used to describe patients who continue to experience pain after spine surgery. Approximately 60% of patients who undergo traditional spine surgery suffer from FBSS. Not only does FBSS affect a person’s physical well-being, it can also be a trigger for depression, and prevent them from seeking out further medical attention that could help.

Symptoms of a failed Spinal Fusion
Fusion surgeries can create abnormal anatomy in the spine, specifically large masses of bone or scar tissue that can press on nerves and cause a number of symptoms including:
• General pain in the leg or buttocks that worsens when sitting
• A burning or tingling sensation running down the leg
• Chronic pain in the leg or buttock
• Sharp stabbing pain when walking or standing
• Numbness, weakness or difficulty moving the leg or foot
• Shooting pain that makes standing difficult
The Bonati Spine Procedures correct compression of nerves caused by a failed open fusion surgery. During the procedure, our surgeon first uses a C-arm fluoroscopy. This technique allows the surgeon to mark the best skin entry point for the procedure.
Next, a small incision is made, and a series of tubes are inserted, through which a small scope and camera are inserted, which allow the surgeon to identify the hardware, bone, and scar tissue causing the nerve compression. Then, specialized instruments are used to remove bone and scar tissue. Both approaches create a space for the nerve to be freed, and restore the natural anatomy of the spine. If needed, The Bonati Spine Institute’s patented methods and surgical instrumentation are used to remove orthopedic hardware and fasteners such as pedicle screws.
The Bonati Exploration of Spinal Fusion does not use general anesthesia. Through the use of local anesthesia and conscious IV sedation the patient is comfortable, responsive, and able to provide feedback to the doctors throughout the procedure. This allows our surgeons to target the source of pain with pinpoint accuracy. While in the operating room, the surgical team will confirm the patient is able to complete a series of mobility exercises and verify that the pain has been successfully treated. After the procedure, the patient is transferred to the post-operative care unit for rest and observation, and then a post-operative consultation with the surgeon will help determine if additional procedures included in the surgical plan are necessary. Follow-up surgeries are usually scheduled within a few days of the first surgery, to allow any swelling to subside. During this time, the patient will be given a regimen of walking therapy.
Contact The Bonati Spine Institute today and speak with a Patient Advocate to answer your questions.
The Bonati Spine Institute offers complimentary MRI or CT Scan reviews for patients suffering from chronic pain which can be caused by a variety of spine problems. A surgeon will provide feedback and possible treatment options, for Bonati Spine Procedures candidates. Request an MRI review now.