A discectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove a portion of a bulging or herniated disc which is pressing on the spinal cord and/or spinal nerve roots, causing pain, radiculitis (pain that radiates to the extremities), numbness, tingling or weakness.
Intervertebral discs act as shock-absorbing cushions between vertebrae, the column of bones in the spine. Each disc has a thick outer layer, called the annulus, which surrounds a gel-like center, called the nucleus. When a disc becomes damaged or slips out of position, it may bulge, or herniate, and press abnormally on spinal nerves or, in some cases, the spinal cord, causing pain and inflammation.

The Bonati Spine Procedures may include a discectomy as part of an array of procedures performed based on the symptoms and the physical condition of the disc. This procedure is performed under conscious IV sedation and local anesthesia to keep the patient comfortable, responsive, and able to provide feedback to the doctors throughout the procedure without the need of general anesthesia. This technique allows our surgeons to target the source of pain with pinpoint accuracy and to confirm that the pain has been successfully treated while the patient is still in the operating room. Specialized surgical instruments are utilized to remove the disc material that is compressing the nerve root or spinal cord. When a disc is herniated and it presses on the nerve roots, the patient may suffer from radiculopathy, which is nerve pain along the nerve pathways. A patient with a herniated disc in the lumbar spine may undergo a lumbar discectomy as part of the Bonati Spine Procedures in order to get rid of leg pain along the nerve pathways of the nerves involved. Bonati Spine Procedures are truly minimally invasive, without having to resort to spinal fusions, or hardware implants. They are performed in an outpatient basis and do not require a hospital stay. They allow for greater pain relief, shorter recovery time and quick return to work.
After the procedure, the patient is transferred to the post-operative care unit for rest and observation, and then a post-operative consultation with the surgeon will help determine if additional procedures included in the surgical plan are necessary. Follow-up surgeries are usually scheduled within a few days of the procedure, to allow any swelling to subside. During this time, the patient will be given a regimen of walking therapy.
Are You A Candidate For The Bonati Spine Discectomy?
A discectomy may be appropriate for patients suffering from these conditions:
Contact The Bonati Spine Institute today and speak with a Patient Advocate to answer your questions.
The Bonati Spine Institute offers MRI or CT Scan reviews for qualified patients suffering from chronic pain which can be caused by a variety of spine problems. A surgeon will provide feedback and possible treatment options, for suitable Bonati Spine Procedures candidates. Request an MRI review now.