Back pain can be attributed to various spinal conditions, however, the back muscles can also be attributed to lower back pain.The back anatomy includes some of the largest and most functionally important muscles in the body. These muscles enable you to stand up straight, support and protect your spine, reach, pull, twist and more.

The back anatomy includes some of the largest and most functionally important muscles in the body. These muscles enable you to stand up straight, support and protect your spine, reach, pull, twist and more.

Back anatomy is made up of five muscles: the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, erector spinae, rhomboid and tres major.

Latissimus Dorsi

Also known as the lats, the latissimus dorsi is the largest muscle in the back. It is responsible for extending, adducting and rotating the shoulder blade. The lats begin in the seventh thoracic vertebra and extend to its insertion point in the humerus, the lone bone in the arm that runs from the shoulder to the elbow. The lats are often the source of shoulder and neck pain.


The trapezius muscle is comprised of two large muscles that extend from the occipital bone, the back lower part of the skull, and to the lower thoracic vertebrae. The trapezius extends through the mid back. The main functions of the trapezius is to move the shoulder blade and support the arm.

Erector Spinae

The erector spinae, or spinal erectors, are a set of muscles and tendons that straighten and rotate the back. There are nine erector spinae muscles that extend through the whole of the back and lay in the side of the vertebral column.


The rhomboid muscles are diamond-shaped muscles located in the upper back underneath the trapezius. They are primarily responsible for retracting the scapula. When you pull your shoulder blades together, the rhomboid muscles aid in this movement. The rhomboid consists of a minor and major muscle.

Teres Major

The teres major is located just under the shoulder blade. It is a flat shape and has nerves that extend into C5 – C7. The muscles help adduct the arm at the shoulder, rotate and shoulder and extend the arm.The back muscles that help spine function are the extensors,

The back muscles that help spine function are the extensors, flexors and obliques. The extensors are attached to the back of the spine and assist in standing and helping you lift objects. They begin at the base of the skull and run all the way down to your tailbone. The latissimus dorsi and teres major are considered extensors.Flexor muscles are at the front of the spine and assist in flexing, bending forward, lifting and arching your lower back. The obliques are

Flexor muscles are at the front of the spine and assist in flexing, bending forward, lifting and arching your lower back. The obliques are at the sides of your spine and help with rotating the spine and maintaining proper muscle. The obliques are often worked out in conjunction with the abdominals, which also help in maintaining posture and protecting your back from injury.
Just like all the other muscles of the body, back muscles require adequate exercise to maintain strength. These muscles can weaken with age if they are not conditioned and left inactive. Physical therapy for back pain often focuses on strengthening the flexor, extensor and oblique muscles.If certain parts of the spine are injured or inflamed, the back muscles

If certain parts of the spine are injured or inflamed, the back muscles spams and cause low back pain. Although chronic stress, illness and medical conditions can cause low back pain, it is important to recognize when a spinal condition is causing the pain. The sooner you receive a correct diagnosis, the sooner you can begin treatment for your low back pain.