What Causes A Herniated Disc?
Disc herniation occurs more frequently in middle-aged and older people, especially those involved in strenuous physical activity. Symptoms of a herniated disc may also be caused by trauma of some sort such as a car accident or lifting something heavy which may require treatment.

Generally common causes of a herniated disc include:
- Aging and general degeneration of the intervertebral discs
- Trauma related to automobile accidents
- Sports injuries
- Improper or heavy lifting
A bulging disc. is often the beginning stage of a herniated disc.
The Bonati Spine Institute encourages patients with a disc herniation to contact us to request a no-obligation MRI review or discuss your conditions with our medical professionals. Find out why The Bonati Spine Procedures are considered to be among the world’s best solutions when it comes to advanced spine surgery. Your pain from a herniated disc can become a thing of the past. Click to see a video describing herniated disc.