Woody suffered with a pinched nerve in his neck for decades causing symptoms like pain, numbness and weakness in his arm. Finally, the pain from the pinched nerve in his neck became unbearable and Woody sought treatment.

Realizing the pinched nerve in his neck required surgery, and knowing he didn’t want a spinal fusion, Woody turned to the Bonati Spine Institute.

Woody said after his procedures that he was, “instantly pain free, feeling brand new, 10 foot tall and bulletproof.” Woody’s procedure was on a Friday with Woody returning to work the following Monday morning.

After his patented Bonati Spine Procedure for his pinched nerve in his neck, Woody was not required to wear a brace or do any physical therapy, he just got back to living his life, which include mowing the lawn two days after his procedure.

If you would like to know if you are a candidate for the Bonati Spine Procedures, please contact us here or call (844) 662-2635.