To begin with, the Bonati Spine Procedures are significantly less invasive than other types of spine surgeries, like fusions and other open-spine surgeries. They were created and perfected by orthopaedic surgeon and Bonati Spine Institute founder Alfred O. Bonati and utilize patented instruments and methods, solely performed by surgeons trained exclusively by Dr. Bonati. In other words, no other facility in the world performs the procedures available at the Bonati Spine Institute locations.

There are a variety of Bonati Spine Procedures available to treat an array of spinal conditions, like bulging & herniated discs, spinal stenosis, bone spurs, pinched nerves, sciatica, failed back surgery syndrome and more. Each procedure is chosen by the Bonati surgical staff specifically based on the needs of the patient and targeted to eliminate the source of the pain with pinpoint accuracy. Because the procedures are performed within a very small incision (one inch or less) in the back (procedures are never performed through the front of the body) and incrementally, so as not to overly aggravate the body, the procedures are outpatient and patients are off the operating table and walking within minutes.

Another difference with the Bonati Spine Procedures: they are performed using conscious IV sedation and local anesthesia. This allows patients to remain comfortable, responsive, and able to provide feedback to the doctors throughout the procedure. If asked to do so by the surgical staff while in the OR, the patient will also be able to complete a series of mobility exercises and verify that the pain has been successfully treated.

Recovery after the Bonati Spine Procedures is different for every patient, depending on the severity of their condition. However, all patients are given a “prescription” for walking  – 40 minutes a day, including the day of surgery and released from the Institute the same-day. One final follow-up appointment is conducted the day after the procedure to complete a physical evaluation, remove a drain (if necessary), explain any at-home instructions. For those with multi-level issues this is also where you will discuss next steps in your Bonati Surgical Summary. Within a few days of surgery, patients can return to normal activities (grocery shopping, driving, house chores etc.)

Dr. Bonati and the Bonati Spine Institute have been performing the Bonati Spine Procedures for over 30 years. Patients have traveled from around the world to be treated with the exclusive techniques. With a patient-reported satisfaction rate of 98.75%, the Bonati Spine Procedures can treat issues that have been unsuccessfully addressed by other physicians at other facilities.

How Can I Know If The Bonati Spine Procedures Will Work For Me?

If you have persistent pain in the neck or back, or pain that radiated to other extremities, it may be time to seek surgical help.  The Bonati Spine Institute can help with imaging, consultation and surgical services, all in one location.  For the most direct help, please call us at 855-267-0482 or complete online contact form.